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Kat Mekatronik – Automatic Tray System

Kat mechatronic automatic tray systems are modern storage solutions that offer great advantages for businesses.
These systems increase storage capacity while also helping businesses reduce costs and losses associated with time spent on stacking and retrieval processes. Here is more information about the advantages of tray automatic storage rack systems: Tray automatic storage rack systems allow products to be easily placed on high-altitude storage racks using carrier robots. These systems make it possible to store up to 40 meters high. This allows businesses to use their existing storage space more efficiently. Automation and Efficiency: Automatic storage systems can operate without the need for manpower. Therefore, extra labor costs in the storage area can be avoided. While the preparation time for orders decreases, the time for products to be shipped increases, which provides higher efficiency within the business.
Dark Warehouse Opportunity: Automatic storage rack systems with trays can be considered as “dark warehouses” because they operate without the need for human intervention. This allows businesses to work 24/7 and helps to maintain uninterrupted warehouse operations. Reduced Error Rates: Automatic storage systems minimize human errors. Placing the right products on the right shelves and preparing the right orders significantly reduces error rates. Warehouse Management and Monitoring: These systems can automatically monitor and manage warehouse inventory. In this way, the risk of inventory loss is reduced and tracking of products within the supply chain becomes easier. Automatic storage rack systems with trays are a powerful solution that helps businesses optimize their storage operations and gain a competitive advantage. Using this technology offers businesses a faster, more efficient and lower-cost storage process.