geri itmeli pushback-1

Geri İtmeli Pushback Depo Raf Sistemleri

Geri itmeli depo raf sistemlerinde depolama, tıpkı fifo yöntemi sistemi gibi, paletlerin istiflenmesi için kullanılan depolama sistemidir. Last in first out LIFO tipi yük yönetimi son giren ilk çıkar lifo yöntemine göre değerleme yöntemidir ve onun için tasarlanmıştır. Paletler için geri itmeli çelik raflar, yapının ön yüzünde tek bir yükleme ve boşaltma alanına sahiptir ve birim yüklerin arkasına doğru öncekiler itilerek depolanır.

The pallets are moved by means of roller-roller bearings fixed to the structure with a slight inclination (%4). Like other fast storage solutions, it is a high-performance density storage system that optimizes available storage space.

It can also be combined with other storage systems available in our storage services. The pushback system is a storage solution for pallet types consisting of a compact structure, in which unit loads are moved by rollers or cassettes with the help of a calculated slope.

What are the Advantages and Features of Push-Back System (LIFO)?

Push-Back System; The main advantage of the LIFO storage model is its ability to optimize the available space and fast loading and unloading of materials.

Excellent use of space: As a living system, it is a high-density solution, meaning it optimizes storage capacity for the same space.

Ideal for homogeneous non-perishable products: When applying the LIFO (Last in, First out) management system, the last unit load is the first out.

Quick and easy loading and unloading: Since the forklift does not need to enter the corridor of the structure, maneuvering, loading and unloading time is reduced.

Security: LIFO geri itmeli depo raf sistemleri yapısı, hem mekik hem de makara sistemindeki riskleri en aza indiren yükleri kontrol etmek ve frenlemek için bir güvenlik sistemine sahiptir. Forklift sistemin içine girmediği için İSG açısından da oldukça elverişlidir.

How to Perform Push-Back Warehouse System Stock Control?

  • Allows you to distinguish a different product reference in each loading aisle.
  • Versatility and compatibility with other adjustable systems.
  • Ideal system for cold or frozen warehouses due to the high compression and resistance of roll and shuttle systems at low temperatures.
  • Minimum operating costs thanks to push-back system, excellent space optimization.
  • It is a system designed primarily according to lift management (last in, first out) where the last pallet placed is the first pallet to be emptied.
  • Unlike FIFO live storage, which requires one aisle for loading and another for unloading, in pushback racking the forklift accesses stacked unit loads along a single working aisle.

Geri İtmeli Depo Raf Sistemleri LIFO Uygulamaları

Push-back racking systems significantly optimize available space, but due to LIFO type inventory management, they do not provide as fast product turnover as the FIFO type. The shelf height and depth of the shelves are flexible and comply with the FIFO working principle. There are many palletized systems in our storage services.

Therefore, they are recommended for application in the following cases:

  • Stacking of homogeneous non-perishable products or products with long expiration dates.
  • Warehouses with a wide range of product references; Each channel can be reserved for a specific reference type.
  • Since each channel can store a maximum of 6 unit loads depending on the system used, those with a low number of unit loads for each reference should not be ignored as very heavy pallets will require the pushing power of the forklift.
  • Due to their stacking needs, they are systems that require the combination of the push-back system with other types of racking or manual picking.
  • Possibility of installation in warehouses with cold rooms or frozen product rooms
  • It provides optimum benefit to goods storage services.